Happy Birthday! Andrea is such an amazing friend! No matter what she's always there for you! Yes, she's a mother of 3 and still has lots of time for her friends. Happy Birthday! Love you!
Treebugs first Christmas party! Yes, she was dressed for it too! Koon Yi and her little Treebug! Koon Yi and her two grand kids! 7 kids and only 2 grand kids! Frosty and Pink! We're missing one more sister-- she wasn't feeling well and went to bed early! My nephew Naeson and his "friend!" Karen and Kris! Can anyone say "sweater vests!" Tyson and I had an Ugly Sweater Christmas Party! It was so much fun having both families together and some of our close friends! Everyone was such a good sport and came with their ugliest sweater they could find!
Gentry and Kailee watching Dora! My cute friend/neighbor was watching Gentry and the girls were watching Dora. She took this picture and sent it to me!! Gentry is sitting in Kailee's Dora Chair! I just LOVE that the girls get to play to together.
Best friends! Whit came into town for Thanksgiving! I just love when she's home!
Just us 2!! My cute brother and sister! The fellas! Erika, Alicia and Whit tearing it up on the dance floor! Grandma and dad - I wonder what he was going to say! Alicia took my camera and took this picture of herself! HA HA HA
A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for!